Bibi is an ordinary, run of the mill magical giant who sets out on a quest for companionship. He travels far and wide, encountering many wondrous animals, people and marvels of nature, and he performs a few tricks of his own, that donÕt always turn out as expected. Ultimately, BibiÕs adventures are a great success, gaining him new friends of all shapes and sizes.------- Oren Barner, in his debut childrenÕs story, captures the attention of children, as well as their hearts. With the help of the masterful artistry of Alina Gizatoulin, Oren weaves a tale of adventure and quirky heroics; of magic and fun and friendship, or, you could say, of the magic and fun true friends bring to our lives. ------ Whether you are six or sixty, small or large, young or young at heart, Bibi the Magical Giant will tickle your soul and bring a (giant) smile to your lips!